About Me

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Thank you for visiting and welcome. I am a terminally-ill, 90-year-old mother, grandmother, and published author. I created this page at the behest of my friends and acquaintances. The purpose of this page is to share with you the many thoughts that have occurred to me during their frequent visits to my home. I've entitled my thoughts, "Vailia's Reflections". They're listed in reverse chronological order. I hope you find them to be of value. My book concerning Alzheimer's disease, Marshall's Journey, has been my most rewarding achievement to date. It practically wrote itself and demanded to be heard. As my understanding of Alzheimer's grew, I knew that I had discovered skills that would help victims and caregivers through the painful devastation of the illness. I have also been proactive in negotiating the terms of my own death. My views have been the subject of several local television newscasts. In addition, I've been quoted in articles that appeared in recent editions of the Wall Street Journal and San Diego Magazine. Please enjoy your stay.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

31 - Yesterday


Every so often something occurs that I had thought about forty years ago. It happened again yesterday as I watched PBS presenting a lecture by Suze Orman. “Say
your name” is what she told the crowd of women in front of her. There were gasps of dismay and a few giggles and you knew they thought she was joking. But all those years ago I shared the same thought with my Metaphysical students and when they questioned whether I was serious. I was.

That was when I might silently have said “Vailia” and then recalled whoVailia is. She was then a young woman living in West Virginia with her two small children. Robin was three and Bruce was five and she had run away from an ugly divorce. But that was not what I was saying to myself. What I was saying, that day long ago, was “Vailia, I know who Vailia is. She’s a gentle, loving mother who does not get angry with her children as she did today. She always treats them gently with a lot of love and understanding.” Knowing that, I often reminded myself that I was Vailia before I allowed me to confront an angry or upset child. That was a sweet and peaceful time.

I forgot being Vailia when we lived through the difficult teen-age years and today I wish I had remembered. During my years as a 3M representative I used it occasionally when facing a difficult customer. Interestingly my being Vailia often worked there too.


Immediately following the Suze Orman hour another interesting hour began. This one was devoted to changing your brain. I listened and again was astonished that the concept of ‘Change Your Brain, Change Your Life” took me back in time again… Back to the time when I explained to my students that many bibles tell us that we have a matter of choice. That always offers us two possibilities.

What I knew then was that we had two choices concerning our brains. One was to be controlled by our brain, the other was to control our brain. I explained that our worries and fears were all related to our brain controlling us. An example is that I am now dying and with my brain having control I could be frightened, very ill and aware of impending death. With me in control I am still living, enjoying my friends and family, and controlling my illness as well as I can. No negative thoughts…no fear…no waiting to die.

Of course there are serious problems that need to be worked out. Even then, with the brain under your control, the path is easier and solved more quickly. Nothing is more difficult than a negative brain trying to solve a problem. Nothing is more harmful than a depressed brain interfering with your life. The control that is yours offers a peaceful and comfortable existence.

Both the above items have books that hit the bestseller list. I have only one question,


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