About Me

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Thank you for visiting and welcome. I am a terminally-ill, 90-year-old mother, grandmother, and published author. I created this page at the behest of my friends and acquaintances. The purpose of this page is to share with you the many thoughts that have occurred to me during their frequent visits to my home. I've entitled my thoughts, "Vailia's Reflections". They're listed in reverse chronological order. I hope you find them to be of value. My book concerning Alzheimer's disease, Marshall's Journey, has been my most rewarding achievement to date. It practically wrote itself and demanded to be heard. As my understanding of Alzheimer's grew, I knew that I had discovered skills that would help victims and caregivers through the painful devastation of the illness. I have also been proactive in negotiating the terms of my own death. My views have been the subject of several local television newscasts. In addition, I've been quoted in articles that appeared in recent editions of the Wall Street Journal and San Diego Magazine. Please enjoy your stay.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

33 - Holiday


I found this again and realized that I had enjoyed having it and sending it to those I hold dear. It’s meaningful to me in that it hold so very true for those who celebrate Chanukah and those who do not. Friendship knows no bonds. Friendship creates many of the joys and delights that live constantly in your memory and in your present.


A very wise Rabbi used to tell this story:

His teacher, a very wise and holy man,
was walking home one night during Chanukah.
The street he traveled was narrow and lit
only by the glimmer of the menorahs people
placed in their windows. One house, however,
seemed to glow more brightly than the others,
even though its menorah was plain and its
candles small.

The rabbi wondered at the light and finally
decided to inquire. He knocked on the door,
and when it was opened, the rabbi heard voices
and laughter inside the house.

"My friend," the rabbi asked the man, "What do
you do to give this house such a holy light?"

"I do not know," the man replied. "We are simply
friends, telling stories of our years together."

Then the Rabbi knew the source of the houses
radiance - for whenever friends are together
they shine with the same light as all things

And so you are to me. my friend, a sign on this
earth that the universe is good and rightly made.

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